Projectize participates at the PMI® Global Congress 2010
The PMI Global Congress EMEA 2010 will be hosted in Milan, Italy between the 10th and 12th of May. The congress is an annual event organised by the Project Management Institute to address the latest developments in the project management field.
Projectize, a Registered Education Provider of the PMI, will be contributing to the event through the flowing two interventions:
- Roles, Responsibilities and Skills in Program Management
Speaker: Omar Zein
Delivered: Tuesday, 11 May 16.00–17.15
Learning Objectives
- Understand the roles, responsibilities and skills required in the successful delivery of programmes.
- Identify the roles and responsibilities that may be required for a particular programme, especially a programme where the attendee is involved.
- Identify the skills needed for the above roles and be able to perform a gap analysis of missing skills in order to plan appropriate training or extra resources necessary.
There are various roles in programme management, each having a set of responsibilities that are crucial to successful programme delivery. This presentation outlines these roles and responsibilities as well as the skills required to satisfactorily fulfill them.
- Umuntu Ngumuntu Ngabantu
Speaker: Matteo Coscia
Delivered: Wednesday, 12 May 13.30–14.45
Umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu: a person is a person through other persons. People without roles and roles without people are often the cause of project failures. The sub saharian Zulu tribes survive each day in harsh environments recognising and being ready for each other. They call it surviving, we call it best practices. A little anthropology for project's success.
Learning Objectives
- Pinpoint project and cultural weakness areas in the field of people recognition and role assignment.
- Realise how crucial well defined roles are to project success.
- Draw a parallel between real hard life and struggle with nature with complex project environments.
From the Zulu's dialect, the translation sounds like “a person is a person through other persons.” These African people have to struggle to survive every day ... literally. They either eat lunch or they ARE lunch. When they greet each other they say “sawu bona” (I see you) and the other person answers “sikhona” (I am here).
The Zulu's survival is based totally on recognition of roles and recognition of people. Emotional maturity ranks 4th in the critical project success factors in the 2008 chaos report published by the standish gruoup. People without roles and roles without people is the leading theme of this presentation, which taps into real life examples of successful and failed projects due to organisational mismatch.